Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sarajevo's Sacred Heart Cathedral

Sacred Heart Cathedral, with a "Sarajevo Rose" in the foreground, and the memorial to St. John Paul II to the right of the entrance. 

Sacred Heart Cathedral is the largest Roman Catholic Church in Bosnia and is located in Sarajevo's Old Town. It was built in the 1880s, but has been renovated/reconstructed on several occasions, most recently after the church sustained damage during the Siege.

The interior of the church is strikingly beautiful without being "over-the-top" ornate.

This wall painting by Ante Martinovic is a replica of the church's previous artwork.

It's quite evident by the two Sarajevo Roses (one directly in front of the entrance, the other at the base of the western wall) and the accompanying damaged marble at the base of the western exterior, that the church was targeted by Bosnian Serb forces during the Siege.

A "Sarajevo Rose" at the base of the western exterior wall of the cathedral, signifying the site of  civilian deaths by Serb shelling during the four year Siege of Sarajevo. 

The site is also known for the memorial statute of St. John Paul II located next to the entrance of the church.

This statue was erected in 2014, memorializing the Pope's two visits to Sarajevo. 

The church offers English-language masses at noon on Sundays.

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