Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bosnian Rally for Hillary...(huh?)

I haven't missed the political circus of the final no-holds-barred sprint to election day, and I thought I was relatively insulated from such nonsense here in Sarajevo, but alas, there is no escape!

Yesterday I meandered into a freshly dispersed public relations event, "Sarajevo Votes for Clinton". There was a sizable billboard, two stands collecting signatures, and apparently t-shirts, though they were gone by the time I got there. (Too bad, as one of those would have made for a interesting conversation starter.)

I was a little confused why anyone would put energy and resources into a rally for a political candidate running for office on another continent...what was the point? So I scanned Bosnian media and found an article on the English language web site "Sarajevo Times" where organizers were quoted as saying:
"we will send a message of love and a message of friendship to the world with our symbolic signatures...and thus express our gratitude for everything that Hilary [sic] did."
Okay, I understand they are grateful for President (Bill) Clinton's, albeit belated, role and contribution to the bringing peace and security to Bosnia, but this? Hmm,,,

Things that make you go "hmmm?"

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