Friday, October 14, 2016

Traveling along the Beer River

So now that I have your attention, there's a short river in Montenegro called the Piva (beer) River. The area is breathtaking, but packed like sardines, with up to 23 people on a 17-passenger minibus, there was no elbow room to get out my camera and snap shots along the seven-hour route through the remote and rugged Montenegro back-country to Sarajevo.

It was as if one were to build a road by constructing a shelf about halfway down the Genesee River gorge in Letchworth, and then add some holes in the cliffs for tunnels to straighten out the road slightly. Here's a video I found on YouTube that shows the quick succession of numerous tunnels along a small portion of the route, the only thing it doesn't capture is the steep drop off to the white waters below. Rafting camps dotted the landscape, but those were about the only signs of civilization for long stretches of the trip.

An interesting note: on the back of the bus, there was the usual advert, with a list touting the amenities of this particular bus company. One item listed was a WC, after which it stated "im wald"-in the woods, pretty humorous.

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