Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Glimpses of Sarajevo: Part 1

While meandering Sarajevo I have taken gazillions of photos. Here are a few that I found interesting, beautiful, or unusual.

When I first arrived, I was struck by the number of roses everywhere in the city.

I would be remiss if I didn't include a staple of the Balkan diet, cevapi: skinless sausage served with minced onion and a pita (and a beer, of course).

Decorative woodwork trim really spices up this house.

Just a few doors down, a pigeon coop, not that Sarajevo needs more pigeons.

The tower for the Olympic flame, a relic from the 1984 Winter Olympics, with a political billboard in the foreground. (Yes, we are not the only country with constant reminders of elections.)

One-stop shopping at an outdoor market: grapes, check; brassieres, check; cauliflower, check; nylons, check.

The Serbian Orthodox mausoleum/shrine of Gavarilo Princip, the assassin of  Archduke Ferdinand and his wife who is credited with starting World War I.

A gate and wall with elaborately decorative metalwork. 

Someone placed roses on a Sarajevo rose; maybe it was a victim's birthday or anniversary?

A multipurpose bench that also works as a solar USB charging station; ingenious.
Stay tuned, for more...

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