Saturday, October 1, 2016

To Zagreb (and Beyond)

I grabbed a bus from Dubrovnik at 9am, hoping to escape the cruise ship crush that occurs in the small city, and to arrive in Zagreb while it was still light.

The landscape reminded me of driving through parts of Arizona, mountains looming off in the distance, but a bit greener. There were no signs of wildlife, despite the periodic warning signs for bear crossings at tunnel entrances…didn’t notice any road kill either, and very few houses in view after we left the coastal highway. Eventually we passed through a ridge of mountains, one of the tunnels was something like seven kilometers long. (Sveti Rok).

I saw a Burger King billboard quite a distance south of Zagreb, and KFC too, miraculously no McDonalds, though I’m sure they’re here somewhere.

About thirty miles from our destination, a massive traffic jam due to construction, turned the highway into a 90-minute crawl which more closely resembled a parking lot. So much for arriving during daylight. It was kind of comical as one teenager in the lane next to the bus started riding seated on the roof of his Range Rover, with his legs dangling inside the sunroof. Another woman jumped hurriedly out the car in front of the bus, to give her pathetic nervous little yipping fur ball a chance to stretch its tiny legs, and no doubt relieve its equally tiny bladder.

The funniest scene was watching a car get pushed by two young men in the breakdown lane, we had passed them just as we started to slow for the stopped traffic. They left us in the dust, as they pushed for another half-mile or so to the exit. (I remember days like that, and am so glad I didn’t choose to rent a car.)

Since I hadn’t yet made a reservation for a place to stay, I decided to press on and catch another bus from Zagreb to Ljubljana, Slovenia and see the sites of Zagreb on my way back through Croatia. It’s only another two hours, so I’ll end up arriving around 1 AM, but luckily, it’s pretty warm for early October, and I won’t freeze spending most of the night in the bus station. Hopefully, there will be some 24-hour wi-fi cafĂ©!

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