Monday, October 3, 2016

Jasenovac, a World War II Concentration Camp

Along the banks of the Sava River, which is the present day border between Croatia and BiH, lies the former Jasenovac concentration camp complex. During World War II, Croatian fascists (Ustashe) collaborated with the Nazis when Germany invaded Yugoslavia and established the Independent State of Croatia, albeit under German occupation . The Ustashe regiime set up their own concentration camps and operated them independently, imprisoning (or immediately executing) Serbs, Jews, Roma, Communists, and other political opposition. Approximately 80-100,000 prisoners were killed there during the course of the war, 20,000 of whom were from a special camp for children.

The Jasenovac Memorial, a huge stone flower rises from the remains of the victims. 

Much more detail to come.

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